Withdraw Indictment of President Trump

Resolution 2023-03.  The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee, resolved:


  • The indictment of President Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is a perversion of our institutions of government in order to silence political opposition, and
  • Never before has a former president been arrested or indicted, and
  • Donald Trump has demonstrated certain unique qualities hated by the establishment, such as the courage to stand up to that globalist establishment and also the ability to inspire ordinary Americans with a vision of a better future, and
  • This indictment is only the latest in a series of attacks on Trump, which began when he announced his campaign for the Presidency in 2015 and has been continuous for eight years,


The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee denounces the actions of the Manhattan District Attorney as out of bounds in the United States Constitutional Republic and calls for the withdrawal of the indictment.

Published 4/17/2023