Recall Results

Official SOS count will be certified on 10/22/2021.

Alameda County:  ONLY 36% of county voters voted (so far)
Cities favored Newsom (82%, 287K votes).  Rural areas favored recall (17%, 61K votes).

Leading candidates to keep an eye on for future races:
Larry Elder (R)  25%  (37K votes)
Kevin Paffrath (D) 19%
Other front running Republicans were not at all close given their huge campaigns
Kevin Faulconer (R) 7% 
John Cox (R) 4%
Kevin Kiley (R) 2%
Caitlyn Jenner (R) 1% (1,550 votes)

Statewide:  ONLY 42% of State voters voted (so far)
Coastal Counties favored Newsom (64%).   Central Valley favored Recall (36%)

​Leading candidates to keep an eye on for future races:
Larry Elder (R) 47% swept the entire State except San Francisco among those voting for a replacement.
Kevin Paffrath (D) 10% won only San Francisco
Other front running Republicans were not at all close given their huge campaigns
Kevin Faulconer (R) 8% ... only got 15% of his own San Diego county 
John Cox (R) 4.5% 
Kevin Kiley (R) 3%
