Withdraw Indictment of President Trump

Resolution 2023-03.  The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee, resolved:


  • The indictment of President Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is a perversion of our institutions of government in order to silence political opposition, and
  • Never before has a former president been arrested or indicted, and
  • Donald Trump has demonstrated certain unique qualities hated by the establishment, such as the courage to stand up to that globalist establishment and also the ability to inspire ordinary Americans with a vision of a better future, and
  • This indictment is only the latest in a series of attacks on Trump, which began when he announced his campaign for the Presidency in 2015 and has been continuous for eight years,


The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee denounces the actions of the Manhattan District Attorney as out of bounds in the United States Constitutional Republic and calls for the withdrawal of the indictment.

Published 4/17/2023


Eliminate Inferior Ranked-Choice Voting in California

Resolution CAGOP-2023.  The California Republican Party Convention on March 12, 2023 resolved:


  • After more than a decade the Ranked-Choice Voting experiment has failed nationally causing much voter frustration and disenfranchisement and cannot be ignored any longer; and 
  • The full negative effects of voter disenfranchisement caused by the use of Ranked-Choice Voting is immeasurable; and
  • Hundreds of municipalities and counties nationally, including in California, have wasted millions of dollars to educate the public in how Ranked-Choice Voting works, yet they continue to experience an unacceptable and very high rate of ballot errors again and again; and
  • The Ranked-Choice Voting process has not fully met the fundamental right of “one-person one-vote” in that a very high rate of what is called “exhausted ballots” is always present, which means many votes are not counted within the final tabulation in determining the winner; and
  • The Ranked-Choice Voting process always has what are called “suspended ballots”, which adds to the confusion surrounded by the process causing those votes to not be counted; and
  • Iin California with the most recent fiasco found in the Oakland, Alameda County for the November 8, 2022 races where numerous errors were noted causing several elections after their certification to undergo costly corrections, which included the overturning of the results for the City of Oakland, Oakland Unified School District, District #4 and now costly legal suits are pending; and
  • The Republican National Committee (RNC) meeting in Dana Point, California on January 27, 2023 rejected Ranked-Choice Voting because it increases election distrust, voter suppression, and disenfranchisement, eliminates the historic political party system, and put elections in the hands of expensive election schemes that cost taxpayers and depend exclusively on confusing technology and unelected bureaucrats to manage it; and
  • The same RNC meeting, unanimously passed a Resolution to: "Officially Oppose Ranked-Choice Voting Across the Country and called on Congress, state legislators, and voters to oppose Ranked-Choice Voting in every locality and level of government and return elections to easier systems that worked for centuries for fair and transparent elections,” now,


The California Republican Party opposes the use of Ranked-Choice Voting in California elections and is committed to increasing voter's confidence in California's election process through easier and transparent systems that worked since California was founded.


Urge Fusion Research

Resolution 2023-02.  The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee, resolved:


  • A momentous breakthrough for science and for the future of the human race was achieved December 5, 2022, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with the first ever fusion experiment in the world which surpassed breakeven, producing more energy than was delivered to the fusion fuel, and
  • Fusion energy promises to be a game-changer for the future of humanity, providing cheap energy and a multitude of related plasma technologies,


The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee expresses its highest praise for the efforts of the scientists, technicians, and others at Lawrence Livermore who achieved this breakthrough and urges a redoubled effort across the country from both government and private efforts to bring fusion technology to fruitful use as quickly as possible.


Against Illegal Alien Amnesty Threat in Lame Duck Session

Resolution 2022-11. The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee, resolved:


  • There are about 35 Million Illegal Aliens now living in the USA with about 250, 000 more crossing the Border every month, and whereas the total cost to Federal and State Taxpayers is about $340 Billion/year*  The Immigrants come from over 150 countries and all ethnicities
  • This Massive Alien Invasion is resulting in a dramatic increase in crimes, including drug and child trafficking, increased robberies and rapes and Threats to National Security, and reduced employment opportunities and income for Americans, and burdens on our schools, and healthcare systems as well as danger to the immigrants themselves
  • Powerful Open Borders and Cheap Labor lobbies are advocating Legalizing these Illegals and giving them work permits and a Path to Citizenship with a Massive Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill which they intend to Ram through in the Lame Duck session, along with a substantial increase in legal immigration running at about1.5 Million/year pre pandemic


The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee hereby declares that it is Opposed to Any Mass Alien Amnesty, Sanctuary City, County or State status or any Increase in Legal Immigration, supports fortifying our Borders, and initiates and encourages the following

ACTIONS.  We hereby transmit and ask:

  • The California Republican Party to forward this resolution to the National Republican Party, the National Republican Senate Committee, and the National Republican Congressional Committee. 
  • Other California County Central Committees to enact a similar resolution.
  • Immigration Reduction Nonprofits and other sympathetic organizations and individuals to publicize and support these resolutions and to actively oppose any Mass Alien Amnesty or increase in legal immigration during the Lame Duck Session which is just beginning
Read more

For Ukraine Negotiation

Resolution 2022-10.  The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee, resolved:


  • The war in Ukraine is becoming more and more dangerous for the entire world, and
  • President Trump has offered to negotiate to settle the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and most people have not heard about this,


The Alameda County Republican Party Central Committee endorses President Trump's following proposal:

Donald Trump wrote: "U.S. “Leadership” should remain “cool, calm, and dry” on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet. The Russia/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened and would definitely not have happened if I were President. Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group??? - Sep 28, 2022"
